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Donación de alimentos, medicamentos y productos de primera necesidad

Donación de alimentos, medicamentos y productos de primera necesidad

Donaciones de alimentos, medicamentos y productos de primera necesidad
16% Donated
Goal : 30,000.00€
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¿Por que creamos la asociación para ayudar a Cuba?

La ONG, se desarrollo para ofrecer ayuda humanitarias al pueblo cubano, y favorecer las comunidades vulnerables. Se crea ante situación de extrema necesidad (incluso peor que en el llamado “Periodo Especial” de los años 90) en la que se encuentra en estos momentos la población cubana.

La pandemia del Covid-19 ha azotado cruelmente a un país ya debilitado, pues ha reducido sus principales fuentes de ingresos. También ha reducido a mínimos la ayuda que otros países que brindaban a la Isla y la dificultad para el envío de remesas a familiares de los cubanos emigrantes. Todos estos inconvenientes generan carencias, de medicamentos en hospitales, farmacias y policlínicos y otras instituciones de la salud. También de alimentos, productos de higiene, de primera necesidad, transporte, vivienda, empleo, escuelas especiales y recursos en general.

Apoyo al mejoramiento de habitabilidad de viviendas vulnerables

Proyectos de Colaboración Económica y Técnica



Personas alcanzadas



Voluntarios activos


€ 5000

Donaciones recibidas

En el siglo XIX surgió una profusión de organizaciones benéficas, para aliviar las terribles condiciones de la clase trabajadora en los barrios marginales. La Laborer’s Friend Society, presidida por Lord Shaftesbury, en el Reino Unido en 1830, tenía como objetivo mejorar las condiciones de la clase trabajadora.

Hoy Alas Solidarias con Cuba, continua la labor de las organizaciones anteriores, con un objetivo común, ayudar a la clase trabajadora, a los vulnerables, a los ancianos, niños, a la población en general mas desfarocida, con la grave situación de escases y necesidades de productos, alimentos, medicinas y demás, y con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida del pueblo cubano.

  • Provide long-term campaign planning
  • Reduce our long term administration costs
  • Remain fiercely independent and unbiased
  • Regular updates on what's happening in our priority campaigns
  • Invitations to events and other exciting opportunities to take action

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Urgent Causes

Nuestra historia

¿Cómo llegó esto a nuestra atención?

Por el grito de ayuda!! del pueblo cubano, se crea Alas Solidarias con Cuba, y nos damos a la tarea de recaudar fondos para poder solventar la crisis tan aguda, que tiene la Isla en estos momentos. 


What is Chariti?

– During the 19th century a profusion of charitable organizations emerged to alleviate the awful conditions of the working class in the slums. The Labourer’s Friend Society, chaired by Lord Shaftesbury in the United Kingdom in 1830, aimed to improve working-class conditions.

How do you make sure my gifts to Chariti are spent wisely?

– In the Enlightenment era charitable and philanthropic activity among voluntary associations and rich benefactors became a widespread cultural practice.

How do you know which children need help?

– Charities also began to adopt campaigning roles, where they would champion a cause and lobby the government for legislative change.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

– If you’re in the U.S., yes, you can.

Where does my money actually go?

– In the Enlightenment era charitable and philanthropic activity among voluntary associations and rich benefactors became a widespread cultural practice.

How do you choose locations to build a community center?

– This emerging upper-class fashion for benevolence resulted in the incorporation of the first charitable organizations.

What percentage of my donation goes towards programs?

– The Enlightenment also saw growing philosophical debate between those who championed state intervention and those who believed that private charities should provide welfare. The Reverend Thomas Malthus.

What’s your goal?

– Charities also began to adopt campaigning roles, where they would champion a cause and lobby the government for legislative change.


August 15, 2020

Financial figures (e.g. tax refund, revenue from fundraising, revenue from sale of goods and services or revenue from investment) are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators. This information can impact a charity’s reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity’s financial gains.

Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from businesses. Such donations to charitable organizations represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.

July 22, 2020

Financial figures (e.g. tax refund, revenue from fundraising, revenue from sale of goods and services or revenue from investment) are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators. This information can impact a charity’s reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity’s financial gains.

Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from businesses. Such donations to charitable organizations represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.

July 09, 2020

Financial figures (e.g. tax refund, revenue from fundraising, revenue from sale of goods and services or revenue from investment) are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators. This information can impact a charity’s reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity’s financial gains.

Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from businesses. Such donations to charitable organizations represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.

April 09, 2020

Financial figures (e.g. tax refund, revenue from fundraising, revenue from sale of goods and services or revenue from investment) are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators. This information can impact a charity’s reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity’s financial gains.

Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from businesses. Such donations to charitable organizations represent a major form of corporate philanthropy.

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